People stealing other people’s business ideas is nothing new. We see brands copy logos, fonts and colours all the time. We see fake designer bags and cheap knockoffs daily. However, that doesn’t make it less annoying for the originators. And even if you don't think you are under risk, it's worth reading on to make sure you have all of your bases covered.
One industry that has seen the ideas of small business owners ripped off by larger retailers is the fashion industry. This is mainly due to the recent surge in popularity of fast fashion brands.
Accusations of theft
In 2021, a large online retailer was accused of ripping off the work of Fisayo Longe, a young black businesswoman and owner of London-based label, Kai Collective.
In the same year, another ecommerce fashion brand was accused of stealing designs from a black fashion designer who goes by @Tomoiasorojah on TikTok. Sorojah publicly named the retailer for stealing designs.